Keeping Addison Clean
Addison does not provide commercial and multi-family solid waste collection services. Businesses and apartment complexes contract with private collection companies. Please contact your building management for information.
Addison contracts with Waste Management, Inc., for the collection of garbage from single-family residences. Days of collection are Monday and Thursday beginning at 7:00 a.m. Please do not put any type of trash items out any sooner than the night before collection day per Town's Ordinance. Holidays service is suspended for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day if the holiday falls on a Monday or Thursday. Garbage is to be placed in one way receptacles (i.e. garbage bags) of sufficient strength to hold 35 pounds.
Addison does not provide commercial and multi-family recycling collection services. Businesses and apartment complexes contract with private collection companies. Please contact your building management to request this service. Addison does not have a recycling drop off center.
Addison contracts with Waste Management, Inc., for the collection of recyclables from single-family residences. Days of collection are Monday beginning at 7:00 a.m. Please do not put any type of recycling items out any sooner than the night before collection day per City Ordinance. Holidays service is suspended for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day if the holiday falls on a Monday. The Town of Addison provides green bins to its residents for recycling. Bins can be obtained by contacting us at 972.450.2871. All recyclables can be commingled together in the green bin. On windy days, please place a brick or board on top of the bin to keep your neighborhood litter-free.
Addison does not provide commercial special collection services. Businesses (including apartment complexes) contract with private collection companies.
Collection for these items can be arranged by contacting the Public Works Department at 972.450.2871, for the collection from single-family residences. Items such as hot water heaters, appliances, furniture, tree limbs, bags of leafs, paint, and batteries (among many other items) qualify for special collection.
May participate in the House Hazardous Waste Program. This program allows all residents to dispose of household chemical products the responsible way. Click here for more information Household Hazardous Waste Program.
Addison partners with Erecycler to offer free recycling of electronics to Addison residents during the Addison Community Garage Sale. This event takes place twice a year on the first Saturday of May and October at the Sam’s parking lot.
Questions about Waste Management

If your pick up is missed, contact Waste Management:
WM Call Center