Pet Policies
Help keep Addison clean by picking up after your pet!
We have placed pet waste dispensers thoughout all of our parks for your convenience. Please make sure your pet is on a leash at all times.
Pet waste dispensers are located in the following parks:
- Addison Circle Park
- Beckert Park
- Bosque Park
- Celestial Park
- Les Lacs Linear Park
- North Addison Park
- Parkview Park
- Quorum Park
- Spruill Park
- Vitruvian Park
- White Rock Creek Trail
- Winnwood Park
For more pet-related information, please visit the Animal Control page.
Pet Waste Management
There are about 1.2 million dogs in North Central Texas. If the average dog produces 3/4 pounds of waste a day, that equals a lot of doo - about 900,000 pounds worth. Please DOO the Right Thing by picking up after your dog and disposing of it properly. Keep Addison Clean.
Pet waste is not only smelly and unsightly, but it is a health risk to pets and people and a water quality issue. When walking your dog, always carry a plastic baggie to scoop up the waste. Dispose of sealed baggies in the trash. Clean up dog waste in your yard at least once a week, and either flush it down the toilet or dispose of in the trash.
Health Risk
Pet waste that is not disposed of properly can put your health, your dog's health, and your child's health at risk.
Parvovirus is a serious, highly contagious disease that affects dogs of any age, breed, or sex. It is highly contagious to unvaccinated puppies. A dog may be a carrier of the disease without even showing signs of being infected. It affects the intestinal lining, causing diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, and even death. It is transmitted by contact with infected dog waste either directly or indirectly through soiled shoes, car tires, and anything else that it touches. The virus can remain infectious on the ground for six months or even longer!
Dog waste can also affect people. Some of the diseases or parasites that can be transmitted to people from dog waste include campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidium, and toxocariasis.
That’s why it is important to not leave dog waste on the ground. Help keep pets and people safe and healthy by picking up after your dog.
Water Quality Issue
Pollutants from improperly disposed pet waste may be washed into storm drains by rain or melting snow. Storm drains in North Central Texas then drain directly into our lakes and streams, carrying many pollutants along with the water. This water is NOT treated or cleaned before it empties into a body of water.
When pet waste is washed into lakes or streams the waste decays, using up oxygen and sometimes releasing ammonia. Low oxygen levels and ammonia combined with warm temperatures can kill fish. Pet waste also contains nutrients that encourage weed and algae growth. Overly fertile water becomes cloudy and green--unattractive for swimming, boating, and fishing.
Pet waste also carries diseases which make water unsafe for activities like swimming.
That's why it is important to not leave dog waste on the ground. Help protect our water quality by picking up after your dog.
Tips for dealing with pet waste
- Flush it. Pick up the waste with a pooper scooper or slip a plastic bag over your hand. Flush the waste down the toilet (do not flush the plastic bag).
- Toss it (in a trash can). Collect the waste in a plastic bag, tie the end securely, and toss it in your trash can.
- Bury it. Scoop the waste and bury it at least six inches in the ground and away from gardens and water sources.
- Attach a small bag or pouch to your dog's leash so that you can always carry a supply of baggies. Be creative in reusing materials for picking up pet waste. Save plastic bread bags, plastic newspaper sleeves, or plastic produce bags and use them as scooping baggies.
- Clean up droppings around the yard at least once a week. Either flush them down the toilet or dispose of them in a secured baggie in the trash can. Pet waste composters are also available commercially, so check those out.