Stormwater & Pollution Prevention
Safe storm water drainage is very important for our environment. Here is everything you need to know about utility fee and pollution prevention.
Stormwater Utility Fee
The Town of Addison has established a Stormwater Utility fee to begin addressing a number of capital projects and maintenance items related to stormwater (drainage) that are not currently funded through the General Fund. Monthly charges for stormwater (drainage) service will be included in utility bills beginning in January 2013.
Please click on following links for more information: Stormwater Utility FAQ, Stormwater Credit Policy, Stormwater Utility Fee Credit Application
Household Hazardous Waste Program
To find out how to properly dispose of household chemicals and products, click here.
Pet Waste Management
Pet waste is not only smelly and unsightly, but it is a health risk to pets and people in addition to being a water quality issue and against the law. When pet waste is improperly disposed of, it can be picked up by storm water runoff into storm drains or nearby water bodies.
To find out more, click here.
Help the Town of Addison reduce our demand on natural resources while saving valuable landfill space through Addison's recycling program.
To see a more detailed list of recycling options, please click here.
Mulching Program
Mulch allows conservation of water by requiring less irrigation use for plants. The mulching process also requires less fertilizer due to the natural break down of the mulch. To have the Town pick up your extra yard clippings and make them into mulch used around in Town parks just call (972) 450-2871 to schedule a pick up.
Report it: Illegal Dumping/Illicit Discharge
Help stop illegal dumping and illicit discharge! If you see it, report it to Addison's Environmental Services official at (972) 450-2821 or (972) 450-2880.
Click here for more information on how to help stop illegal dumping.
After the Storm
To review a citizen's guide to understanding Stormwater, click here.
Texas Smartscape
Learn how to beautify your home with native "Smart" Landscaping that can attract native butterflies and hummingbirds, save dollars on your water bill and prevent an help reduce storm water pollution in Addison.
Click here for more information.